Remember the episode of "The Brady Bunch"
where Greg has a crush on his math teacher, and as a result, he is failing? Enter Mr. Brady, who realizes that the math teacher's fiance is none other than Wes Parker of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Mr. Parker agrees to speak with Greg, and comes to the Brady backyard. Greg, a huge baseball fan, exclaims "Wow, a real live Dodger!" Well, that is how I felt Friday night at work, when former BYU wide receiver and Philadelphia Eagles kick returner Reno Mahe was dining with us.
Someone told him I was a big Eagles fan so he called me over to his table, and we had a great conversation, mostly about Philadelphia and the Phillies. It totally made my day! I've shook hands with several Utah Jazz players - even sold Karl Malone a Double Whopper with cheese, but I'd never met a pro football player at work before. A once in a lifetime opportunity to say - wow - a real live Eagle!