Thursday, April 7, 2022

Miami, My Amy

Someone, please tell me why this song is going viral??? I heard it for the first time in over 30 years when it started playing on my wife's phone a few weeks ago. Being that I could "name that tune" in 3 notes, I got out my phone and pulled up the video for "Miami, My Amy", by Keith Whitley, a song released in 1985. I was proud of myself for remembering such obscurity, and then forgot about it again until a few days later, when a snippet started playing again. And again. And again! Why??? I don't know much about TikTok other than my wife has the app and watches it, but I have better things to do with my life than walk round with Miami, My Amy stuck in my head! It is more annoying than when a co-worker put "Barbie Girl" on repeat for 30 minutes straight or Tim McGraw whining to "Please Don't Take The Girl". Is the late Keith Whitley's estate benefitting from this at all? He recorded several songs which are much better picks to be introduced to a new generation of fans. I know nobody asked, but here are my two choices:


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Utah Drivers

While the title is "Utah Drivers", I'm confident that as you start reading, I could very easily said Ohio, New Jersey, Texas... But since Utah is where I experience my daily frustrations with all manner of suspect driving, those are the drivers who are receiving the wrath of my poison pen today.

Most of the infractions I see and curse under my breath about, could be considered reckless or unsafe driving habits. At least from my vantage point, it seems that if people would just use even a few of the safety devices at their disposal, there would be fewer accidents, fewer traffic tickets, and my blood pressure would be lower.

What are these devices for driving safely? I'm glad you asked, because you may just need a refresher course yourself. 

The first set are, believe it or not, standard equipment on cars, vans, trucks, and even SUVs. They are:


    2: Mirrors

    3: Turn Signals

    4: Seat Belts

    5. Air Bags

The first 3 I consider as a group, being they are interconnected when it comes to safe driving. Why do I mention brakes first? Here is a scenario I see every day. Car driving in the center lane on the interstate is moving too slow in the opinion of the driver behind him. Does he slow down, look in the mirror and see if it is safe to pass, and then signal his intention to change lanes? Of course not, he does none of the above. He can't be bothered to use that pedal positioned under his left foot, which would cause his vehicle to slow down, even slightly. Mirrors? Why, if he used them he might see that there is not enough room for him to change lanes. Turn signals? I believe there must be a shortage of blinker fluid in Utah, as that flashing orange light is seldom seen. 

The subject of air bags is controversial, but studies probably do show that many more lives are saved by air bags than deaths caused by them.  The moving violation of not using a seat belt I will leave up to those issuing tickets, but obviously it can be a costly fine to not follow "Click It or Ticket".

    6. Yellow Traffic Light

    7. Red Traffic Light

    8. Stop Sign

    9. Speed Limit

Who in the room remembers Jim Ignatowski? If you do, congratulations on being a fan of classic TV! If not, and you are unsure of what to do when confronted with a yellow traffic light signal, please watch "Reverend Jim Driving Test" on YouTube. You will laugh, and might even learn something! 

The red traffic light and the stop sign both function in similar ways, and in the case of the red turn light, are frequently ignored. Do you know how many cars are legally allowed to turn once that red light comes on? Zero. What??? You mean it isn't 2 or 3, possibly 4? And how far are you allowed to drive past a stop sign before coming to a complete stop? Complete stop??? Are you kidding me???

Last, but not least, the traffic safety device with the lowest self esteem, the speed limit sign. This poor guy has been ignored for so long and by so many! You know the drivers I'm talking about, in a hurry to get to their own funeral. They will zoom past you all if an effort to be 1 car length ahead of you at the next traffic light. The ones moving in and out of traffic ignoring all of the safety devices listed above.  The ones who you never seem to see sitting on the side of the road with pretty red and blue lights flashing behind them.  Seriously, people. Slow down. Leave a few minutes early. Your loved ones will understand if you are a few minutes late. Don't be the reckless fool whose spouse has to answer the door and be informed of yet another senseless traffic fatality. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame 2020

Now before everyone gangs up on me in defense of Whitney Houston, I have nothing against her. But she does not belong in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. When was she ever considered a rock and roll artist? Wouldn't you think that if she was, you would hear "Saving All My Love For You" and "I Will Always Love You" on the same station as Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Guns N Roses...? Whitney Houston in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame is akin to Metallica being inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. See how absurd that sounds? There are so may deserving rock and roll performers who are worthy and deserving of this honor - Lou Gramm & Foreigner, Pat Benatar... overlooked again. I was so thrilled when Rush was inducted in 2012, because now maybe the world would see and appreciate what Rush fans have loved for 40 years. The passing of Neil Peart last week has brought them back into the "Limelight", but I just want my "Juke Box Hero" Lou Gramm in there.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Let It Go

If you haven't heard this story, I highly recommend that you do!
On a cold February night in 2007, a devoted father of four and a seventeen-year-old drunk driver both received life sentences. In one violent, devastating instant, both faced a drastically different—and uncertain—future. But as Chris Williams sat in his demolished vehicle, staring at the car that had just caused the death of his wife, his unborn baby, his nine-year-old daughter, and his eleven-year-old son, he committed to do something extraordinary: he would forgive.
That decision launched Chris on a journey toward healing that affected his family and friends, the young man who caused the accident, and an entire community—a community that would face another deadly tragedy just a few days later.
Chris's message of forgiveness is an empowering invitation to all who have suffered, however unjustly, to lay down their burdens and let it go. "On February 9, 2007, I, my wife, and our three youngest children went out for dessert while our oldest was out with friends. As we left to return home, I don’t recall feeling any prompting to adjust our travel in some way, to spend a few more seconds at a stop sign, to take an alternate route, or to not go out that night. But in an instant, our lives were changed forever." 
"Michelle and I both saw a pair of headlights appear at the top of the hill in front of us, moving at an unbelievably high speed and already crossing the median. It was on a direct collision course with our car. “Chris!” Michelle shouted. I attempted to swerve out of the way but to no avail. The vehicle T-boned our own car with a force so violent and tremendous that the impact stopped our car from going downhill and pushed it back uphill. The sound of the car hitting ours was a sickening, dense, crushing thud of metal on metal—a quick, catastrophic, singular sound of devastation." 
"I had no idea who has just hit us, and my mind didn't think to consider if they were all right or not, or what circumstances might have caused them to cross the median and strike us. I simply looked at the car in silence. Then I heard a voice that was not my own in my mind as clearly as if it had come from someone seated next to me. It was straightforward and filled with power, and the voice said, 'Let it go!'"

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Even if you went to church this morning, before you go to bed without opening the scriptures, consider the following from Jeffrey R. Holland:

"We wouldn't expect our physical bodies to survive long on one meal a week - even if it is a very good meal. Similarly, if a one-hour Church class, even an excellent Church class, is the main setting for our 'feasting on the words of Christ,' then we are in danger of spiritual malnourishment."

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Remember The Titans

After being upset by the Tennessee Titans 20-13 last Saturday, Tom Brady won't be forgetting the Titans any time soon! Poor Tom. No Patriots in the Super Bowl this year.

Today it was the top-seed Baltimore Ravens being knocked out of the playoffs by the Titans with a score of 28-12.  It may be a long time before they forget as well. 

The Titans now advance to the AFC Championship for the first time since 2002. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Neil Peart 1952 - 2020

It's not that I can't find the words, it's that I can't stop from crying. Neil Peart was a genius. 

I'm so glad to have been able to see Rush in concert twice. I cried when they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was a sad day when Neil announced his retirement  But today is the saddest of all, to learn of his passing. The best drummer in the world. Thank you for the music and memories. Gone but never forgotten.