Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Making America Great Again

There is an ever growing feeling that America must do all within her power to become great and strong again.  We can only hope to survive as a free people if we keep ourselves strong.  But how do we measure our strength? Military Power? The value of the dollar? I believe the strength of our country must be measured by the integrity of our people.
We speak often of our freedoms. There is no freedom like the freedom of righteousness.  If America would remain mighty, she must have the strength of sobriety, of chastity and virtue, of honesty and integrity, and the power of true spirituality. If she would be strong, America must enjoy freedoms as essential to her welfare as any of the liberties listed in the Bill of Rights, Her people must strive for:

Freedom from unclean practices and unwholesome influences

Freedom from immorality

Freedom from intoxication

Freedom from the evils of divorce

Freedom from dishonesty

Freedom from selfishness

Freedom from idleness

Freedom from ignorance

Remembering that choosing between "the lesser of two evils" is still choosing evil, which if any of the candidates for President will protect the Constitution and help to restore the lost freedoms as listed above?

Monday, June 13, 2016

Pray Always

I've noticed a trend which is disturbing, at least to me. Every time we hear of a horrific tragedy, especially one involving multiple deaths, social media is covered with pleas for people to pray. Pray for Boston, Pray for Paris, Pray for Belgium, Pray for Orlando...  Don't get me wrong, prayer is a good thing, but why should we need to be reminded to pray?  Does prayer only work in the aftermath of such tragedies? Why can't we follow the commandment to pray always or the commandment to pray without ceasing? Shouldn't prayer be a part of our daily lives?  Shouldn't we be praying for our country, our leaders, our friends, our spouses, our children, and even our enemies? Why should we only turn to God when something goes wrong? If He can provide comfort in such perilous times, can't He provide that same peace and comfort always?

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Bathrooms, Gorillas, and Amber Alerts

Last month, I was going to write a blog about all the silliness in not knowing what bathroom to use, because that really seemed to get people talking.
But then a toddler fell into a gorillas habitat, and everyone forgot about bathrooms. Now the same people who were transgender experts, or transgender-phobes were experts in zoos and tranquilizer darts.
An incredible shame what happened, but since this is America, someone has to be blamed, right? And heaven forbid it would be the parents! Think about that for a minute. How long would it take a toddler to accomplish what he did? I ask that for a reason, which brings me to my third different (but related) subject - Amber Alerts. I got one on my phone last night at almost 1:00 AM. So how is an Amber Alert formed? A missing child is reported to police, who believe the child is in imminent danger, and the public is alerted.

Well, on Thursday, I saw a young boy go missing. It started with him attempting to walk outside of our restaurant by himself. Several parents of other children stopped his progress, but couldn't locate the child's mother. He was brought to one of our managers as a missing child. Said manager picked him up, searched outside for anyone looking for a lost child, then did the same inside of the restaurant. He went to each table, asking if this lost boy belonged to anyone. No one stepped forward. He then returned to the end of the counter, all the while holding the boy, who didn't appear the least bit upset or concerned. It would have been a humorous situation, if not for the fact that it isn't funny! This child was missing for over 5 minutes before the mother realized he was missing! So I ask, what can happen in 5 minutes? How far can you drive in 5 minutes? Any child abductor would have had at least a 5 minute head start before ANYONE was notified. Again, what can happen in 5 minutes? For one, a toddler can enter the gorilla enclosure at a zoo with no one noticing in less than 5 minutes. How about the restroom where a child is allowed to go by themselves? What can happen there in 5 minutes?

Simply put, parents, WATCH YOUR CHILDREN! Pay better attention!  Put down that cell phone and hold their hand! It will not be Target's fault if something happens in a transgender or family restroom. It will not be the zoo's fault if a child is maimed or killed by an animal 10 times their size.
Your children are your most prized possessions, or they should be!