Before I start this post, and get everyone riled up, let me state that I am not saying Casey Anthony is innocent. However, all of the posts I am seeing on Facebook about Justice for Caylee, are proving to me the ignorance of many. Ms. Anthony received a NOT GUILTY verdict on July 5th. I'm sorry that so many people are upset, but I have my feelings on this subject too, and here are a few of the thoughts I shared:
So sad, that one day after celebrating America's birthday, and the freedoms we have, including our constitutional right to be INNOCENT until proven guilty, that you would say that America failed today. The defense didn't need to prove Casey innocent. That wasn't their job. If it had been you in that courtroom, unjustly accused - who would you prefer your fate left up to - Nancy Grace & the court of public opinion, or a jury of your peers??? Yes, Casey is a liar, slut, and terrible Mom. But no evidence at all of her being a murderer. If indeed she did kill her daughter, one day she will meet her maker, and pay the penalty. Still, remember, "judge not, lest you be judged..."

The jury did the best they could with the evidence that was presented to them!!!!! Good Job Jury!!!! The scales of justice were tipped today in her favor!!!! It is our system !!! and to all of you screaming and crying no justice, just remember this, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.... have not heard anything like this when someone gets convicted then proven NOT GUILTY 15 to 20 years later because the state needed a perp and they were available,,,jeeesh ...go back to your lives and get over it!!!! So sorry for that little child...but people...scream louder for the children being killed everyday under the guise of God and needless war!!!!

Justice was served in America. You cannot convict a person without evidence and there was no evidence. Chloroform? Really, did they ever prove who supposedly searched for it? Plus where is the other supposed evidence that ties in the search with actual use of chloroform on the kid. It is just like the people running around stating that the body was found with duct tape over the nose and mouth, when in fact that was a theory posed by the prosecution based upon finding three pieces near the body, and they even stated that. The court of public opinion at its finest, where all rumors become fact, and any real facts, if they don't support your feelings, are discounted. Evidence is not what Nancy Dis-Grace provided viewers with her character assassination of Casey Anthony. Nancy thought she could use her MUSCLE MEDIA to THROW a TRIAL! IT DIDN'T WORK! It only works that way in PLACES like RUSSIA and CHINA where they do not believe in a DEMOCRACY!!! Americans won with this verdict and yet many are upset that the CASEY wasn't STONED TO DEATH like what would happened to her in SAUDI ARABIA! If NANCY doesn't like our SYSTEM OF JUSTICE, let her move to one of those other countries mentioned earlier! Nancy continues to ASASSINATE CASEY'S CHARACTER with no EVIDENCE!!! I can only IMAGINE the JUSTICE NANCY DIS-GRACE exhibits in her COURTROOM. I think every judgement she has made needs to be reviewed for bias against AMERICAN JUSTICE!!! We DON'T NEED her kind of JUSTICE here!!! I am grateful to the founding fathers for putting the trial by jury system in our Constitution, and not leaving it to the supposed fair minded people to determine how to do it. The feigned outrage shown on these boards, proves that Mob mentality can still rule the day in this Country, if allowed the chance.
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