Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bill Clinton

I need help! I woke up from a dream this morning, and the dream was about Bill Clinton.  I dreamed I met him, and was upset that I didn't have my camera with me, or even a piece of paper so I could ask for his autograph.  Very strange, considering I never voted for the man...  Is there some special meaning behind this dream?  Maybe that I should always have my camera with me?  Or perhaps it was just because of the picture Samantha saw on the cover of the latest National Enquirer.  In it, Bill Clinton is standing with two ladies, reported as hookers.  She laughed, and said, "What, so now just because a woman is beautiful, she's a hooker?"  Of course not, I replied "You are gorgeous, and I hope no one would ever refer to you as a hooker." 
Which did get me thinking...  I don't condone Mr. Clinton's actions with a certain Ms. Lewinski, but the idea that these 2 ladies in the picture are prostitutes is absurd!  What if they are just 2 ordinary, star struck citizens, who met the former President and simply wanted a picture with him?  Again, I didn't even vote for the guy, but if I did meet him, I would want a picture, just so people would believe me!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hard Rock Cafe

For over 30 years, "Weird" Al Yankovic has been singing about his food.  My Bologna, I Love Rocky Road. Eat It, Fat, Lasagna, Addicted to Spuds, The White Stuff... 
With all of these songs about food, it never occurred to me that there might be food that sings - until last night, when we heard a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, followed by a song by the Black Eyed Peas.  So that got me thinking - how many other kinds of food have had hit records???  I imagined I could probably come up with an entire Hard Rock CafĂ© menu of singing food!  Starting out the menu, we could have an appetizer section, with a little Blue Oyster Cult, some Bread or Limp Bizkit.. maybe a little Pearl Jam or perhaps A Taste Of Honey?  Drinks would include April Wine, Brandy, and Ice T.  If the drinks aren't cold enough, just add Ice Cube.  Of course we would have the aforementioned vegetables, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Black Eyed Peas, along with Korn and even some Smashing Pumpkins, and if the vegetables are too bland, we always could add some Spice Girls or Salt N Pepa.  Not to mention a little Kevin Bacon & The Bacon Brothers! Our main courses would be Meatloaf, along with Flying Burrito Brothers.  Got fruit?  Lots of it - Cranberries, Peaches and Herb, Fiona Apple, Blind Melon, and Bananarama.  How about some Cream?  For dessert, Cake and Vanilla Ice.  Have I missed your favorite food?  What would you name your food band?   

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Father's Day

I can already hear the crowd murmuring... "Why is he writing about Father's Day in March?"  True, the rest of the world may be celebrating Father's Day on June 15th, and that is fine.  But I celebrate Father's Day on March 27th.  You see, that is a day I became a father.  And becoming a father is as life-changing as any event known to man!  28 years ago today, my first son was born, and while I admit I was secretly hoping for a girl, he was still my son, and I couldn't have loved him more!  A son!  All these years later, and I still overwhelmed by the thought.  The little boy who stole my Oreos, and wouldn't cross the street without holding my hand is all grown up now.  I think back today of a 4 year old, who could tell you the lead singer for Rush.  Seeing him off to kindergarten... Birthday cakes with ice cream and trick candles.  I think of the day he told me he himself was a daddy.  Sure, we both made mistakes over our 28 years, but hey, he loves Johnny Cash, so I must have done something right :-)  Happy Birthday Phil, I love you!   

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Too Many Books, So Little Time!

So last night, Samantha asked me how I read so fast...  I wasn't aware that I read fast, it's not like I signed up for Evelyn Wood's speed reading classes back in the 70's.  But I have been reading that long, and writing almost as long.  I think I personally kept Scholastic books in business - them, and whoever was publishing the Hardy Boys books :-).  Now days, I keep myself busy with the latest Nicholas Sparks or John Grisham novel.  Or Sandra Brown, Tess Gerritsen, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, Stuart Woods, David Baldacci, Lisa Scottoline, James Patterson, Lisa Gardner...  Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games... Anything with a good story line, characters I can relate to, or a mystery to solve. Even Steven King still entertains me after all these years.  So reading fast?  I pretty much have to, because there are so many books, and there is so little time!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March Madness is your bracket doing this year?  I think mine is doing quite well.  In fact, I haven't lost a single game yet.  How can that be?  Very simple, actually.  I never filled one out!  Works out much better for me that way.  The only March madness I am experiencing is the weather here in South Texas - one day in the 80's, the next it is raining and you need a winter jacket!  When that blasted groundhog saw his shadow, did that add 6 more weeks of winter starting February 2nd, or March 20th?  I am seriously ready for some sunshine!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Black Friday, Part 2

Well, as you can see, I decided to brave the crowds at Sam's Club on Thursday, and did indeed make it out alive.  In all honesty, it wasn't near as bad as I expected it would be.  Sure, there were a lot of people, but it is a big building.  The scariest part of my trip was actually the parking lot - or should I say, not being able to park in it.  I ended up parking on a side street to nowhere, and walked half a mile back to Sam's.  And, I am pleased to say, the walk was worth it!  I can't even name all of the food I sampled, but one treat worth mentioning was graham crackers, served with a Hershey bar and a slice of banana.  Sounds weird, but very tasty :-)   The highlight of my visit though, wasn't food.  I met 5-time Super Bowl Champion Charles Haley, got his autograph, and this awesome picture! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Black Friday

Yeah, I know it's only Thursday, and it's March, so you are wondering why I am writing about the day after Thanksgiving shoppers' nightmare known as Black Friday.  Well, today will feel like Black Friday, if I head on down to the new Sam's Club which opened here about 3 hours ago.  I'm still debating whether it is worth getting run over by mobs of people, just so I can get some free samples.  Samantha and I ventured out late Thanksgiving night, to Target, took a look at the line for the cash registers, which was running between isles and clear to the back of the store, and laughed at the silliness of it all.  It was the same at Kohl's.  And I figure that's how it will be at Sam's today.  So if we do decide to go and brave the crowds, please pray for us that we make it out alive!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Church Signs

A saw a sign as I was driving past a church today.  It said "Seven Days Without Prayer Makes One Weak." A play on words, and a cute one at that!  Seeing that sign made me think of others I've seen in the past, signs that seem to be a guilt trip - such as "Don't Wait For Six Strong Men To Bring You To Church", "If You Don't Love God, Go To Hell", "You Like Being Scared, See What Happens If You Don't Accept Jesus!", or "You May Party In Hell, But You Will Be The Barbeque."  I'm sure whoever comes up with these signs thinks they are cute, but the God I know doesn't send me on a guilt trip.  He knows where my heart is.  I know who I am, where I came from, and where I am going.  Anyway, in a continuation of  my blog post from yesterday, here is a church sign which I approve of!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Back To The Future

Can you believe it has been close to 30 years since Marty McFly first traveled to1955 in Doc Brown's DeLorean?  The year 2015 is fast approaching, and so I am wondering how close we are to inventing that hoverboard, those self-lacing shoes, the clothes that dry themselves, the food rehydrator...  I guess we will find out soon enough.  When "Back To The Future" came out, I couldn't even imagine being old enough to see 2015.  But the traveling back in time really fascinated me.  If you had a time machine, and could go back in time, to before you were born, where would you go?  Who would you visit?  What history would you attempt to "rewrite"?  There are so many places I'd like to go, but I would love to meet our Founding Fathers.  Perhaps even witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  Back to a time when America was founded on this philosophy: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  Oh how things in this country
would be different if I could bring George Washington back with me! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Paddy's

OK, so why exactly am I sitting here wearing a green tie with shamrocks, and why do I have corned beef and cabbage waiting at home for dinner?  While I can claim a tiny bit of Irish in me, I suppose my activities today have more to do with making today fun!  I think every month should have a fun holiday where we can celebrate something.  Legend has it that St. Patrick originally used the shamrock, a green three-leaved plant to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish Pagans.  The March 17th celebration in his honor has been celebrated by the Irish since as early as the 9th century, though I don't think they were all drinking green beer....  As for me, I don't know if my wife has any Irish in her, but I will go kiss her anyway, and I will leave the green beer to my friends who choose to drink it.  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Marshmallow Peeps

My craving has already begun.  It's not even St. Patrick's Day yet, and here I sit craving some Marshmallow Peeps.  Love them or hate them, Marshmallow Peeps have been appearing in Easter baskets across the country since 1953, when candy maker Sam Born, owner of Just Born, Inc., purchased the Rodda Candy Company.  They were best known for their jelly beans, but also produced a small line of marshmallow products, including the Easter Peep.  They were hand made at the time, and Born, with the help of his son Bob, developed machinery to make the Peeps, and the rest is history!  They are now available in different shapes, forms, flavors, and colors for various holidays, but is still the original, yellow Peep that I crave today.  Good thing for me Easter candy has been on sale since Valentine's Day :-)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Where Are Your Manners?

Why do I see so many children running around these days with absolutely no manners?  I know that I misbehaved as a child, but I also know for a fact I never behaved that badly, mainly, because I am still here to write this blog!   Now I am not writing about being abused as a child, but yes, I received my share of beatings.  Didn't we all back in the day?  I believe the term is "tough love."  Even those who acted up in school were subject to "the paddle."  Kids my age just learned the hard way how to behave.  And we were taught manners.  Saying "please", "excuse me", and "thank you"; holding the door for people, especially women; covering your mouth when you cough; whispering in the library; respecting our elders...  Now that I am approaching "elderly", I see less and less of these simple acts we know as manners.  So who is to blame?  Should we expect children to be taught these things in school?  I think not.  I believe that if anything is to change in the world today, it begins in the home.  It should be the responsibility of the parents to educate their young ones on how to act, how to behave.  These fundamentals can then be reinforced by teachers in school, and at church, but if they are not learned originally at home, at a young age, it is unlikely that teachers will have much influence.  In "The Family - A Proclamation to the World", the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints state "Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations."  Parents, teach your children!  They are the future, and without strong, responsible young men & women, the future doesn't look as bright as it should!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Chick-fil-A Difference

On a cold, rainy Saturday in January, I spent most of the morning & early afternoon moving.  I was tired, wet, and hungry.  Imagine my surprise when I pulled into the parking lot at Chick-fil-A, and was met by a young man with an umbrella, who escorted me to the building.  Thanking him for this incredible act of kindness, he replied, ‘It’s my pleasure.”  And I believe him!  Speaking to management afterwards, I was told that the employees look forward to rainy days, and having the “pleasure” of assisting guests into the restaurant.  And notice that they are not customers – they are guests!
The small phrase, "It's my pleasure" is one of the most encouraging I've ever heard, and I think it is such a perfect design. To think someone takes pleasure in making my day a little easier, smiling at me and serving me is special.
 To let a customer know that your whole goal when you walk in the door is to serve and you take pleasure in that, elevates their day and elevates your job! Those three words may seem so small and so trite, but I believe if more people could truly take pleasure in what they do, they would be transformed. Sure, they train and require everyone to say it, but it is a reflection of the company’s heart and soul. The company really believes they are serving you, the customer, and that the thanks is all theirs.  Their corporate purpose is unheard of - "To glorify God by being faithful stewards of all that has been entrusted to us, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."
Although there are probably a variety of reasons why so few companies consistently and genuinely communicate gratitude, I suggest that few do it because few actually believe the thanks is all theirs. Many companies behave as though they deserve customers. Many of their employees believe they deserve the job those customers afford them. The perspective that one is owed, whether subtle or blatant, erodes efforts to establish a habit of communicating gratitude.
What if every company and employee operated as though nothing was owed to them? Would they be more appreciative of the opportunity to serve each customer? What do you think?

We’ve all been the recipient of bad customer service at one time or another.  How did that make you feel?  Did you complain?  Was your issue resolved? Did you tell others about your bad experience? Would you be willing to use that same service in the future?
Now think of those same questions in regard to a positive experience you’ve had.  How did you feel?  Did you compliment the person giving great service?  Did you tell your family & friends? Do you look forward to using that service again?

The conversation around how you talk to customers could be a lecture entitled “The Chick-fil-A Difference.” In the drive-thru, when you say “thank you,” the Chick-fil-A employee always replies “my pleasure.”
The “my pleasure” policy instituted by the company’s founder, Truett Cathy, was inspired by a visit to the Ritz Carlton. When Cathy said “thank you” to the man behind the counter, he responded, “My pleasure.” Out of this exchange, Chick-fil-A’s novel idea was born: treat customers as if they’re at a luxury establishment.
This model continues to distinguish Chick-fil-A from its competitors, highlighting the importance of the little ways you communicate with customers. Below are a few words and turns of phrase that will set you apart from the crowd.
At least one of these six words should make their way into every conversation with a customer:
·         Delighted
·         Absolutely
·         Pleasure
·         Happy
·         Sorry
·         Yes
The positive triggers common to these six words are that they are active, genuine and upbeat. They’re not noncommittal, and won’t be misconstrued as the robotic delivery of a company script.
The phrase “let me see what I can do” sets customer expectations somewhere between low and zero.  Amend your company handbook and ban that one immediately.
Set the bar much higher using one of the phrases Entrepreneur magazine says embody the magic words customers want to hear from you:
·         "How can I help?"
An open-ended question that invites the customer to tell you, in detail, what they want and need.
·         "I can solve that problem."
This direct, actionable response is just what a customer wants to hear from you.
·         "I don't know, but I'll find out."
You are a problem solver, but you don’t have to know all the answers. Customers will appreciate your honesty and find a correct answer worth the wait.
·         "I will take responsibility."
Step up and let a customer see that you, a real human—not some faceless company agent—personally cares about the outcome of their issue and will make sure they’re happy with how it gets resolved.
·         "I appreciate your business."
Say this genuinely and clearly before you part ways. This reminds customers that you never take their business for granted.
See the connection in these five phrases? Always use “I.” You are not a “we,” even though you are representing the company in this interaction. The more personable you are in your communications, the better.

If you noticed I didn’t say the customer is always right. That’s because they aren’t. Customers are human and they do make mistakes.  However, if you find a way to make them feel as though it wasn't their fault then you may just have a happy fan for life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bon Appetit!

Samantha is hooked on watching the movie "Julie & Julia", which chronicles the efforts of Julie Powell, as she works (and blogs) her way through Julia Child's cook book - "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking." So I often find myself saying "Bon Appetit!"  But what exactly does that mean?  The literal French translation, would be good appetite.  Well, that would certainly apply to me - I've always had a good appetite!  But what someone is really saying, when they say "Bon Appetit", is enjoy your meal.  And, in most cases, I certainly do enjoy my meal!  But I also enjoy cooking, and everything I've cooked for Samantha in the past has been from memory, so watching this movie with Samantha makes me want to try some of those recipes.  Maybe I should go check out the cookbook from the library.  Actually I'm looking forward to doing so, and later tonight we can wish each other "Bon Appetit!" 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Ahead

I think I have always dreaded the "Spring Ahead" part of Daylight Savings Time - you know, losing that precious hour of sleep each spring?  Of course that means I LOVE that extra hour of sleep when we get to "Fall Back".  But this year, it totally caught me off guard.  I had no idea that the clocks jumped ahead one hour yesterday morning, until I looked at my cell phone and couldn't begin to figure out why it was one hour faster than my alarm clock. I understand the concept, giving us that extra hour of daylight during the summer months, and the obvious benefits and disadvantages; I just wasn't expecting it so soon.  Doesn't it usually happen at the beginning of April, or at the very least, no sooner than Easter, or the actual arrival of Spring (March 20)?  Arizona does not even have Daylight Savings, and I guess that makes sense- why would anyone living where the sun is always shining, want an extra hour of it?  To me it just seems like a waste of time.  Literally, a waste of time....  at least until I get my hour of sleep back in November :-)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Life Is A Book

With nothing better to do on a dark, dreary, rainy Saturday, I spent most of the day reading.  Much of what I read, is about other people's lives - whether they be real or fictional, it doesn't matter; each page unfolds a new mystery, a new outlook, a new insight...  And isn't that the same with our lives? Each new day is a new page, yet to be written, but the details on that page are the fabric of life.  As we read through our own "book", we hope that each new page will be as exciting as the last... that we will learn from the mistakes made on pages past... that when we die, it will be a book worth reading!  What will you write today??? 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Every day when I visit my Facebook, I get a chance to turn back the clock.  Back to a more simpler time, when downtown was somewhere you looked forward to going.  I have fond memories of growing up in Easton, Pennsylvania, and going downtown with my Mom, whether to go shopping at Woolworth's, Orr's, or Pomeroy's, catch a movie at the State Theatre, have my picture taken at Jack and Jill studios, get new shoes at Siedels... the memories go on and on and are too numerous to list.  Those kinder, gentler days are brought back to life through a group I belong to on Facebook - "You Know You're from Easton...".  There, former residents, and those who still reside in Easton, post their favorite memories, photographs, and postcards.  It really is a virtual community, where those of us who share so many memories get together and reminisce about the past, and wonder where it went, and why it had to go.  We all have our memories of Bushkill Park, it's skating rink, the carousel, and picnics there each summer.  And it is sad to know that what once was, will never be again.  Years of decay and several floods have destroyed the park.  How sad that our children and grandchildren will never get to experience these things.  
Sadly, downtown will never be the same either, it's fate long ago determined by the invention of the shopping mall, and further deteriorated by the emergence of superstores such as Walmart.  Everything you could possibly need under 1 roof - a bank,  a barber, a nail salon, photography studio, bakery, delicatessen, clothing, shoes...  But shopping at Walmart is depressing.  America seriously needs what those of us who grew up in Easton wax nostalgic about - genuine customer service, from people who know their customers by name.  A friendly smile.  A handshake.  A feeling that their business is welcome and appreciated.  The lyrics to the theme song from "Cheers" come to mind: 

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.

You wanna go where people know, people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.



Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Training

Although I haven't done it a very long time, over the last few weeks I've been thinking about playing baseball.  My old baseball glove has been sitting around untouched for at least 15 years, but I fondly remember hours on end spent throwing a baseball, catching a baseball, or seeing how far I could hit a baseball.  In fact, there was a time in my life when baseball was the only thing on my mind - either playing it, collecting baseball cards, or watching it.  In 1980, the year my Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series for the first time ever, I bet I went to 30 games.  And the ones I didn't go to, I either watched on TV or listened to on the radio.  Mike Schmidt was my hero, and in my wildest dreams, I could be as talented, hitting the ball out of the park and making the fans go crazy.

So last Friday, at the thrift store, I saw some baseball bats.  I picked one up and there was just something natural about how the bat felt in my hand.  Since the bats I've owned in the past have long since disappeared, I decided to go ahead and buy one.  I couldn't wait to get out and see if I still could hit for power.  I also was a bit scared, that maybe my eyesight had worsened to where I might not even be able to make contact with the ball.  Of course, the next several days, wouldn't you know - it was raining, cloudy, and overcast.  But today, the sun came out, and I headed to the park for a bit of "Spring Training".  Wow, did it feel good!  Throwing the ball, catching it, running... it all felt good.  I actually think I did quite well, except for being a bit slow at bending over to field the ball.  But I guess that's why there are designated hitters, right?  For us old guys who just aren't as fast as they used to be :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gratitude Journal

Some of my friends started a "Gratitude Journal" last month, and with my being so negative lately, I think it is time I get to be thinking of those things that I truly am thankful for.  Basically, all you do is name 3 things you are thankful for each day, and write them down.  Once you get started, it may seem hard to come up with 3 things each day, but once your eyes are open to look for the many blessings that come to your life each and every day, it will become quite easy to do! 

Today I am thankful for my car, which may be old and high on miles, but still gets me where I need to go every day.  I am thankful for the knowledge that I am a child of God, worthy of every blessing I may receive.  I am thankful for my wonderful wife, who encourages me daily to follow my dreams.

I invite each and every one who reads my blog to start today, counting your many blessings and showing what you are thankful for! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Texas Drivers

At the risk of my blog starting to get the feel of someone who always has something to complain about, I just feel the need to speak out on at least one more topic that irritates me to death!  First, let me start by saying, I think that I really have missed my calling in life.  I honestly feel I should have been a traffic cop.  Seriously!  I'd be the most successful traffic cop known to man!  Why am I so confident of my abilities?  Because I see so many traffic laws broken on a daily basis - so many it makes me want to scream!  (gentle smack from Samantha, reminding me that I do scream!) From no turn signals, to speeders, to crossing solid white lines...  I swear, no one here knows where the brake pedal is.  When traffic in their lane isn't going fast enough, their first option is always to swerve into my lane, with no turn signal.  Who else experiences this?  Is it just me going crazy?  Not to mention those who follow so close I can't see their headlights.  Seriously, people - back off just a bit!  And I am so thankful that it doesn't snow here in South Texas.  These people don't even know how to drive in the rain! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Take It Outside!

Sometime last week, I shared my Facebook status as "It is not good to fart in the library."  I received several responses to this - such as "Yeah, they'll take away your library card!" and "Lol neither is the grocery store".  Well, today I would like to make a point that it is also not good to use your cell phone in the library.  Not good at all!  In fact it is downright rude & disrespectful, not just to hear your ringtone, but then to have to listen to your side of a conversation/argument while I am trying to enjoy some quiet time in front of the computer.  Take it outside!  And speaking of farting, this also applies to anyone with the nerve to be talking on the phone while they are sitting in the stall next to me in a public restroom!  This is my quiet time!  Leave me alone to my thoughts! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Are Mormons Christians?

Every so often, this question rears it's ugly head; most recently in allegations by Pastor Robert Jeffress that Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney wasn't a Christian because of his Mormon beliefs. In an effort to put this issue to rest, first we must ask ourselves, What is a Christian? A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings. This need not be a theological debate; we need to look no further than the official name of the "Mormon" church - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Or simply look at the title of the book from which the nickname "Mormon" comes from -
"The Book Of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ". Can it be any more simply stated? If there be any still in doubt, I ask you to view this video: