I think I have always dreaded the "Spring Ahead" part of Daylight Savings Time - you know, losing that precious hour of sleep each spring? Of course that means I LOVE that extra hour of sleep when we get to "Fall Back". But this year, it totally caught me off guard. I had no idea that the clocks jumped ahead one hour yesterday morning, until I looked at my cell phone and couldn't begin to figure out why it was one hour faster than my alarm clock. I understand the concept, giving us that extra hour of daylight during the summer months, and the obvious benefits and disadvantages; I just wasn't expecting it so soon. Doesn't it usually happen at the beginning of April, or at the very least, no sooner than Easter, or the actual arrival of Spring (March 20)? Arizona does not even have Daylight Savings, and I guess that makes sense-
why would anyone living where the sun is always shining, want an extra
hour of it? To me it just seems like a waste of time. Literally, a waste of time.... at least until I get my hour of sleep back in November :-)
Wow, Jeff keep this up you can change the world.