I can already hear the crowd murmuring... "Why is he writing about Father's Day in March?" True, the rest of the world may be celebrating Father's Day on June 15th, and that is fine. But I celebrate Father's Day on March 27th. You see, that is a day I became a father. And becoming a father is as life-changing as any event known to man! 28 years ago today, my first son was born, and while I admit I was secretly hoping for a girl, he was still my son, and I couldn't have loved him more! A son! All these years later, and I still overwhelmed by the thought. The little boy who stole my Oreos, and wouldn't cross the street without holding my hand is all grown up now. I think back today of a 4 year old, who could tell you the lead singer for Rush. Seeing him off to kindergarten... Birthday cakes with ice cream and trick candles. I think of the day he told me he himself was a daddy. Sure, we both made mistakes over our 28 years, but hey, he loves Johnny Cash, so I must have done something right :-) Happy Birthday Phil, I love you!

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