Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Farrah Fawcett & The Shawshank Redemption

5 years ago today, this is what everyone was talking about.  At least until Michael Jackson stole the show...

"And so when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked if I could smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I said it would be no problem at all. And it wasn't." - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption - Stephen King

If that book was written about a prisoner in 1976, you can be sure Farrah would have been his poster of choice.
Andy had his Rita Hayworth, and I had Farrah. First published in Life magazine in 1976, it is the best-selling pin-up poster of all time, with more than 12 million copies sold.

I feel like I lost a part of my childhood on Thursday, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

February 2, 1947 – June 25, 2009 RIP Farrah :-(

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